Little Common and Bexhill Players
Amateur Dramatic Group
Our Next Production
Our next production is our annual pantomime! This year it is... Hansel and Gretel! Come along for songs, silliness and lots of laughter!​
The dates for this performance are...
Thursday 16th January at 7:30pm
Friday 17th January at 7:30pm
Saturday 18th January at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
To book tickets please contact Maggie Osgood on 07980 407201
Adults - £12
Under 16's - £6
Would you like to join The Little Common and Bexhill Players?
New members are always welcome both on and off stage.
Do you enjoy being on stage or think you might? - Why not come and take part in a production.
Are you creative or practical? -Come and help backstage with scenery, props or costumes.
If you are musical there will be singing in the pantomimes, revues and music halls..
Can't commit on a weekly basis? Why not become a member of our Front-of-House team?
If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please message us via our Facebook page or contact Lyn Ford on 07538 415205
Membership and pricing
Annual membership for The Little Common and Bexhill Players is £30, with a production fee of £10 for each show you are involved in.
Friends of The Little Common and Bexhill Players
For an annual subscription of £15, you will receive a half price ticket for each show and have the opportunity of prior booking. If you would like to become a friend please contact our secretary Lyn Ford on 07538 415205